Academic Journal of

Sports and Physical Education

[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJSPE]

Drugs in Sports: A Big Issue

by Varsha Singh

A substance that alters the physiological and psychological process of the person is referred to as Drug. When drug is taken in an optimum amount after the prescription, it works as a medicine because these drugs are used for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. But when the quantity of the drug increase with in short period of time have adverse effect on health. Now these days, these drugs are used by athletes in sports because the performance of athletes can be improved and enhanced is termed as doping and they are ready to face challenges during sports. But performance enhancing drugs in sport has been made a major problem. According to rules of sports, no player can take unfair advantages over other players by the mean of any method. This paper represent the role of drugs in the life of athletes. It also discuss about the organization The Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code (OMADC) and The World Anti-Doping Authority (WADA) which have code for the sport athletes and some prohibited drug and their derivatives, and prohibited methods. The most prohibited drug is anabolic steroids and followed by the stimulants and diuretics. Keywords: Drug, Doping, World Anti-Doping Authority, Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code

Empowerment of Girls and Women’s in Sports and Physical Education

by Amit Shakya

In worldwide, sustainable development can also be achieved by the women’s empowerment that is an important goal. Here, the term of ‘Empowerment’ defines as to increase the educational, political, gender, spiritual, social or economic strength of communities and individuals. Recently, sports and physical activities have been gained the recognition in the field of empowerment of girls and women. Through education, sports, and physical activities, women could be empowered and have equal opportunities as the men in different fields. For girls and women, involvement in sports and physical activities can potentially offer a white range of life benefits. On a large scale, women’s movement as a strategy has not been used in the field of sport and physical activities. Sports and physical activity may be made the women’s and girls’ empower (by increasing the confidence and self-esteem) and disempower (in which women feel inadequate or convince them that their body needs tore-work and flawed). In this paper, discuss the women empowerment, its benefits, and the inequalities of women in sports and physical activities. Keywords: Women’s Empowerment, Sustainable Development, Inequality

Sports Injuries and Prevention

by Anu Jangra

Participation in sports can lead to a healthier body as well as mind but sometimes it comes with an outcome of injury. Different types of injuries are caused by different games and it may be minor like abrasions, contusion etc. or may be major includes fracture, dislocation of bones, etc. During the activity of sports, cause of injury are many which includes improper training and wrong position of athlete. In the modern era where the activity of sports fascinate the people from all around the world need to maximize the beneficial effects of sports and proper planning and prevention is needed to minimize the injuries caused by the sports. The consequences from sports injury is most direct opposing and important. The injury caused by sports does not only effects the player, who get injured but also effect the whole team management and it may lead to limit or end the career of athlete. This article gives the classification of injuries and brief knowledge about some common sports injuries. To prevent the person or athletes from injury some prevention methods are also discussed. Keywords: Injuries, Sports, Management, Prevention.

Yoga: A Solution for Stress and Its Impact on Human Health

by Arunima Maurya

Health is very important factor for life as without health, everything is valueless. Now these days, human beings are suffering from many problems and diseases such as physical and psychological stress and strains. This problems should be reduced by the changes in their lifestyle in which yoga is considered as best lifestyle that has potential in the prevention, management and rehabilitation of lifestyle disorder. When someone feel healthy, he can touch himself from inside. He can make happy to others and his surroundings which shows the spiritual health. Yoga in daily life has five main goals; physical health, mental health, social health, spiritual health and self-realization for great healthy life. Yoga can be done in the meditation form or in physical exercise. Some people are confused with yoga and exercise are similar words but both are different terms. This paper represents the all goal of yoga by which human make themselves happy and stress-free. The daily yoga may be helpful in reducing the rush from hospitals because it prevent from many disease as cardiovascular disease has positive correlation with the yoga. The cardiovascular problem cure from the daily yoga. Keywords: Spiritual Health, Exercise, Yoga, Health.

Gender in Sports: A Study

by Sikha Purohit

In Sport and Exercise Psychology (SEP), the trends which are related to the gender are basically summarized in an understandable manner. All the fundamental aspects related to gender research are outlined in this paper in a very smart manner. The major one framework which is of the cultural studies is blurring and discomforting the boundaries of the discipline, where the no certainty, the manner of information or the supreme methodology sovereignties. Somewhere, the division of knowledge results in the difficult understanding that surely forms a major difference to the regions, communities, and groups that are marginalized or the individuals who are more encouraged and desired towards the gender empowerment. The one of the second background considered is the Ecological systems theory that mentions the development of human and also the impact of various systems of the environment is reflected. The environmental systems can be related to the social, societal, cultural and environmental. This particular theory impacted culture and it also differs from culture to culture. In SEP, the gap of physical activity which is gendered, the power of women in sports and the differences in gender Keywords: Sport and Exercise Psychology, Ecological Systems Theory, Physical Activity Unit (NICU)

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